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(random characters) i designed this rhyme (same random characters from left side)

Contact Info: 5/5 MSN Messanger, Yahoo Messanger, 2 types of notes, guestbook and email...I'm amazed at my many options for stalking...I mean, contacting... you

Errors: 10/10 All the links look peachy keen, although I probably missed some.

Layout Design: 3.5/5 You can't go wrong with blue! : y Seriously, It's nice. Two shades of blue and a table, though I think you should use the table for the entry itself and put extras above or below it. The font is very readable. 1 point taken off for design issues relating to Navigation section, and 1/2 point off for scrolling text. eeeew...

Navigation: 5/10 Okay, this annoyed me the most. First of all, none of the links are the same. I felt stupid clicking on words I thought were links. While most were underlined, that [party central] looked like a link as well as the box labeled "Pat's Diary". I can see now that all the links are underlined and black, but look how long it took me to figure it out! I think because you have so many links, drop down menus would be really helpful. Also, I took points off in Navigation and Design because of rampant mixing of extras on the left side. You have a quote, a box with your diary name (but no link), some nifty adopted thingys, and a fun graphic. This is all well and good, but it's hard to decipher between your older entries, comments box, website, and buddies. I suggest major reorganization! How will anyone get to your extras?

Content: 30/40 Short. Entries. The reader very rarely gets to see any emotion. Many entries are: I got high/drunk/both. Came home. Went to bed. There was more emotion around 9/11, but it faded a bit. Also, what's with the crazy, random characters. They were amusing at times, but annoying at others (like in the title!) You're starting to show improvement in your writing, so I'm only going to take off for many many many errors/typos oft he MOst annoyin kins.

Updates: 18/20 Updates are pretty regular. There are some weeks that are skipped completely. I loved when Cory took over while you were gone. That's a very good idea.

Bonus: 10/10 All kinds of kooky extras! (Just arrange them better)

Will I return? 2.5/5 Meh, maybe maybe not. No offense, but the partying scene you so frequently describe bores me so.

Your Tiki Score: 84/100

Reviewed by: Kate���-.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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