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:) This is the 400th entry!!! That's really alot you know! 400 is my new favorite everything! woo hoo!!! eeek! *does little 400th entry dance*...

10804 hits over 76.4 days

That's since I got my gold membership. I added the Advertising Section So everyone can have a lil image to click on to thier diary, or site.

I'm going to my Dad's today, for a week. I need to call my boss, and check the bus times. My mom broke her wrist while I was away, I'm so glad that it's not her neck as I had anticipated. I'm way over stressed, and I need to get away to my Dad's fo rw while. I guess New Years is coming up too, I'm going to quit smoking.

I'm moving out of my mom's place. My friend has this apartment for rent n his basement and it's a super cheap price, and I'm moving there with cute4life69 so that's good. It's just until I graduate, so I can save some money, and get my shit together. I'm excitied, permitting that we get the apartment...

I feel sick, I have to go eat...later days

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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