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late night

I died my ahir Black. Just plain old black. Then I left a lil patch in the back out so i coudl remmeber...I tried to add bright red streaks to it today. That didn't work. I was very disapointed. More like furious.

I have become addicted to "Hand Sanitiser"!!! I don't want to get sick, and afer all that nose bleeding...you can never be too safe. Thanks Auntie Heather ;) !

Avril is coming righ tup. I am going to die. Okay well I won't die , but it will be intense. I know I go on and on about it but I've never been to a concert, and it's the best thing ever!!! Can you imagine...ahhh. I think it's more like Eeeeeek!

School is cool, or else you're a fool. I love school. Most of the time. Sometimes it's a lil style cramping, but meh.

say it.

My friend say's "g" is cool. I say...GET A LIFE! YOU ARE A L_O_S_E_R. Can you imagine dear diary? Doin' "g" ? No Way! I usually am pretty cool about that kinda scene but no that. Oh no. Not me. Not now, Not Never.

New shoes. What else can I say? Take my old ones away, to a place where interscope revelutions revolve around the entire volume of the Great Lakes massed together.

Here comes Easter...

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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