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I'm going on a trip this weekend...I can't give details...it's a secret...

A recent study shows that people with the name patrick are 3 times as likely to be frightened of clowns. In addition to this, they are 5 times more likely to be bedwetters and twice as likely to pee in public pools. Scientists are still unsure why this happens.

Quick fact! 43% of all statistics are useless

A recent study shows that people with the name patrick are twice as likely to become addicted to the internet. Often times, these people will spend several hours a day online chatting to their friends or downloading music. These people are also twice as likely to get addicted to television. Or, in some cases, rap music.

A recent study shows that people with the name Patrick are 98% less likely to have scuff marks or wear on their work boots. And, in addition to this, they are 90% less likely to find money that's hidden under their work boots.

Quick fact! 7/5th of all people don't understand fractions

In a recent study, it has been found that people with the name patrick are 10 times more likely to pass gas in cars than other people. The study also shows that people with the name patrick pass gas in elevators and other confined spaces just as often.

In an effort to lower violence on both televsion and in Canada's neighborhoods, Patrick Wallace, a resident of Kingston, Ontario, has begun work on a massive television censorship project that, if all goes well, will change television forever. Patrick has set up TCBFV (Television Censorship for Better Family Values), a non-profit organization designed to restrict the language that is allowed on all public TV channels. Patrick is in the process of compiling a list of words and phrases that promote negative family values and/or violence. The following is just a partial list of words:

Guns, explosives, violence, sex, rape, gangs, black, hatred, steal, anger, murder, rage, genetics, damn, hell, heck, ass, crap, poop, breasts, boobs, crotch, orgasm, butt, natural selection, drugs, marijuana, lsd, alcohol, beer, booze, crack, AIDS, herpes, genitals, reincarnation, DNA, dinosaur, evolution, darn, testicles, implants, testicular implants, dang, jerk, fight, blood, vampire, pagan, psychic, ESP, occult, witch, dumb, stupid, shoot, nude, naked, evil, Satan, satanism, devil, demons, rock and roll, backstreet, internet, MP3...

The complete list is quite extensive, containing well over 2000 words and phrases similar to those above. Many people have already begun to protest against TCBFV, claiming that such censorship would be in violation of the first amendment. Patrick said in reply to that, "We, as Candaians, should move away from amendments and towards commandments." Most people aren't so eager to throw the constitution out the window, reminding Patrick that there will always be a separation of church and province whether they like it or not.

This is junk i did at www.bored.com

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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