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Last weekend, I saw this guy wearing these hemp necklaces, that i liked. I went and asked him about them, and then I knew why I liked them. I made them. No joke. I sell hemp jewlery, and someone bought some. That's good.

I got the crying baby in parenting class today. It never stops crying. I was in the bank and everyone was staring like um, that guy has a kid. Anyways...

Lindsay and Alicia are coming over after work. A little social gathering. I can't wait. sigh

Still nho new diary reviews. I'm not too impressed, but oh well. Like, after weeks you'd think it'd be my turn. Oh well.

I got my check today...i'm going to go buy some visors...anywayz, I'm sure I had some cool news, but I don't.

Is the song puff the magic dragon about drugs? ? ? Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea, and froliced in a (something) in a land called hona lee....

I miss all my old friends, and it's getting me a little depressed. I'm bored, I'm going to go to the mall. Caio!


Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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