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Hi there,
My lil sister Naomiw21 came to visit. She's still here. We're having so much fun!

Last night I got back from work (where I sold $346.00!!) and my lil sister was here with her friend shawna. My friend Dan who lives in the same area, was walking by so we stopped him. We're chattin' away, and he's like
"What y'all doin' 2nite"
I'm like: "Going to play pool"
He's like "Cool me too, let's go"
I'm like "Alrighty...."

We get there and shawnas mom is working there. It was cool. I won pool with dan, even though we both suck. Dan's going to amry cadet camp for the next 7 weeks though! It's kinda too bad.

Anyway after pool we went downtown, came back and chilled out. It was fun.

I'm starting a new job on Sunday, which is great because I hate telemarketing!

Anyhow....check out my buddy list, I'm sure all those people would like to know they exist too. whatever...caio!

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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