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_..�oI-:[I designed this rhyme]:-Io�.._

Navigation-4/5: Mostly on the top, and a couple spread around on the side and bottom.

Design/Layout-27/30: I like this layout; the colors works pretty well by itself, without images( --besides the logo), Though I perfer images anyway.

Content-19/30: My favorite entry was this one; I like humorous entries. Most of the other entries were emotionless, and some were just pointless.

Matching-ness-9/10: Nice blues... Not exactly "Insanity", though. Otherwise, I think you're diary matches pretty well.

Commitment-1/5: Usually I just look in the "old" page for this section, but noooo, you don't put the dates in there. Just []s. Anyway, there's an entry at least every few days-- that, or I've miscounted BECAUSE OF THE OLDER PAGE. Or because when I click "next-entry", it skips some entries.

Spelling/Grammar-3/5: A lot of typo's or maybe they're spelt wrong; can't tell.

Errors-3/5: Some of the dates aren't in order, but I'm not sure if that's an error; maybe you did it on purpose...? Also, when I click "next-entry", it takes me farther than the next entry.

Extras-8/10:E-mail, g*book, notes, rings, quizzes, iMood, counter, and "buddies".

Total Score: 74/100 - No flying colors, but alright.

Reviewer: jay

Comments: Once again, veeeery annoying old page.

Would I Come Back?: Nah..

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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