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I�m feeling quite exausted today. I�ve only finished my day half way. The rhyme was not intentional. School just wiped me out today. Not that it is physically exausting, but more that being there without being able to sleep in has really taken its toll today. I am not conflicting with anyone at the school, which is a relief as I usually am conflicting with a few people. My classes are prgressing nicely. I can practically taste graduation night!

SO this is my hour off, I go thome at 3:00pm and I�ll leave at 4:00pm. Back at 9:00pm. Oy!

I was invited to my home for easter but I had gone out for the day, and by the time I found out it was too late. That�s dissapointing but I can go this weekend. I have to go Saturday this time because there is no way I can afford to miss work anymore.

Work that�s next. Work, always working. I didn�t sell that much last night and the night before was a zero hero. Anyhow, I hope I can reem off some amazing slew of sales which will ensure my employment is continued. That�s the objective. The only obstacle will be the co-operation of the human race to contribute, or use thier entertainment funds to attend a circus. So really, I work to provide entertainment. To be entertained you work. *have fun at work*

I�m worried too. I try not to worry, but that is bound to happen. I�m worried about the end of June. Why? For many reasons, mainly that the majority of the people I grew up with will be going off in different directions. I will lose many friendships, although I guess the real friends will stay friends. I will regret not seeing them again. Maybe it�s time to do some bonding. Is it reasonable to worry about that? I won�t know anyone anymore! How do you cope with that?


Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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