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Cheap Hair dye $0.65

These are the instructions

If you�ve ever died your hair you should expect randomly dramatic, or over-intence results.

Leave any gel, glue, hairspray, beeswax, honey, or penut butter in your hair, so as to not ruin your style.

Mix container a1 with b3 while pouring in powder x and stirring with tool 6g.

Hair results may be more appealing, if you smoke a triple chamber bong, during the dyeing process, so get

that ready.

Have a friend stand 5 feet away with the bottle provided, and try and cover yoiur hair while you spin in a circle, to make sure it�s all covered.

Mix it in.

Put a bag on your head, not a nice cap thing, but a big grocery bag, yah know the big white ones?

Go sit by a fireplace. Really. Go.

As the solution heats it should start to burn, bleeding is illregular, but if you get sores all over your scalp or something, feel free to scratch or whatever. Wait like, 2 hours or so, you can go watch tv if you like, or go online and visit phunky phat tunes. Oh, the deal on that is, um, that when this artist (a close friend of mine) sells 11 more cd�s he�ll be hosting LLC (lavalampcity, my webpage) as part of skycron.com�s network. This is good. Anyway...

You should take that bag off your head and look at the dramatic results you may have achieved.

Wash your hair.

Go to school, all tough. Be confident.

Start a trend.

Thanks for using lavalampliguid products.

Yah get what ya pay for.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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