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I can't believe all the snow.

I can't find my hat. I can't even find my boots or have any idea where they might have gotten to since the last time I saw snow. I'm going to guess that the boots are deep inside a box deep inside a house. Which box at which house is another story.

It's funny that we are so distant yet still so connected. So many similarities yet so many differences.

That was sneaky, you fool. Try to be slightly productive. You have resources that you haven't tapped. Stand on your feet, hold your future in your hands, try not to trip and fall on your face. The ground is solid and you will not bounce.

December should be Stressember. "holiday season" or "nervous breakdown"

I asked you very kindly if you didn't mind, but yet you ignore me and pretend that I'm blind.
You act out for attention just hiding depression, I would have thought by now you would have learned you lesson.
I guess I was right but I try not to smile as you live your life fighting denial.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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