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Loud and clear, learn a lesson
I don�t like what happened
Dirty liar
I knew I shouldn�t have trusted anyone,
What made you think you were my authority?
I can�t believe what happened,
It happened for a reason,
It made me a stronger person
It made you weaker,
You must learn that life tearing you down will only build you up
I hope what you see now breaks your heart
I know you can do better
I�m a good judge of people, you must have had some potential
You said it was forever,
Now it�s never, forever
Don�t bother crawling out of your hole,
I hardly remember what you look like
I wonder sometimes how all this will end.

it doesn�t matter anymore

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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