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Santa brought me a new camera today. Well, hard work and dicipline on my part brought me a new camera. I was supposed to be Christmas shopping, but we all knw how that turns out.

Sony Cybershot T5


School and work are both quite hectic. I've been trying to work more hours in less shifts, but it turns out I work more shifts, with fewer hours. Not exactly what I meant. Oh well. It is still the job I wanted.

Kayden has adjusted really well to the daycare he goes to. The last three nights he's actually gone back to sleep without eating. This means he'll sleep through the night more easily I believe. Now, all we have left to do is get him to go to sleep on his own. That will be a little trickier, as he always falls asleep in our arms. We'll see...

I work all weekend, and Kayden has gone to visit his aunt, uncle and grandparents. I have to work all weekend, and study for some upcoming tests. Nothing exciting.

Toys for Kayden
Funny, all the toys I like, Kayden seems to be in constant need of. I swear, plastic oes NOT taste that good.

Christmas is coming! We got our decorations and the tree up with some lights. There's even wrapped presents waiting to be opened. We're on the ball this year! yay.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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