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I had a long day, starting with school. I had a test this morning, which I studied my stars off for, and amazingly did really well on. We don't get our marks for a week or so, but I knew I got a lot of the answers right. This is definitly a positive.

The kittens are gone to the pet store! I took them there yesterday, turns out the reason I couldn't tell apart the gender was becaue they were all boys. I'm not a pet genital expert anyway.

I came home after school and sorted through some things, cleaned up, did some laundry, and looked for the missing items from our recent move. We lost a tin, all the toothbrushes (those were quickly replaced), he bottle brush, and a few other random things. I have no idea where to lok now because I 've been through it all. Hopefully those things turn up. How do you loose all the toothbrushs? I have no idea...

I can't believe that it's been 9 months already! Time flies. Kayden 9 moths old.

Sometimes Dad needs a nap too...

Always smiling...unless he's screaming at 4 am...

I learned how to properly put a shelf up. It's straight and hasn't fallen off the wall yet. I put a nice planter with bamboo on the shelf and it's awesome.

I needed a hair cut so I shaved my head, now I'm freezing.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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