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I've made it through the first full week of school and I feel confident that I will be successful.

Having said that, learning to juggle so many things is going to be a challenge. School, work, and parenthood, but not in that order. Kayden comes first.

Kayden is approaching 8 months old, and has had his third tooth just start to come in on the top right, and he seems to be coping okay. He's so energenic, and learning every day. I bought him the gobble and go hippo yesterday, and he seems to be sort of interested. It's neat I thought, it gobbles up the "peek-a-blocks" as it rolls along. So, all is well with the baby and we have a new toy. It's funny how amuzing it can be to teach a baby to play.

College is just an expencife highschool. If i wanted to go to class to tease people I would have just gone back to highschool, some people in my class aren't taking it seriously but I'm definitly enjoying it. It's a lot more work that I had expected, but with the help of my handy laptop, taking notes is a breeze.
The school is equipped with wireless internet but in most of the classrooms the signal isn't strong enough to get distracted. I'm not used to getting on a but at 7 o'clock in the morning, but I'll get used to it in a week I'm sure.

Work never changes, but I provided my schedule, I wish they would try and work around it! I can't be at work for 5pm when I have class unitl 5:30pm. Seriously people!

Our cat, has just given birth to 6 kittens! Last time she had 4 kittens, but there's definitly 6. Anyone want a free kitten or 2, they're free?!!

I had a pretty quiet Saturday, I worked a short shift, cleaned the house, and watched some television, I'm gonna go to bed though, since it's past midnight now.

*Patrick & Kayden*

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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