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Today is one of those days. The days where you wake up with a feeling of dread, and for a moment you even dreamed that you slept through it. I wish I could sleep through it.

I have a dentist appointment today to get 3 fillings. I'm anti-needles and pro-teeth. I have to get 2 needles...2 injections of fluid that will completly freeze half of my face. I had to go last week too. The freezing feels so funny too, feels like my face turned into jelly. Can you tell I can't wait to go today? *shutter* On top of that I have to go to school after, which is not really the first thing on my agenda. When you get a needle, it's not very natural. Getting an earing is different, that's just putting a hole in skin, your not being injected with anything. I do not like needles. Did I already mention that?

Happy Birthday Sammy!

So the long weekend is coming up, and my plan was to visit all my friends from my old life. Now I guess I'll be staying here, and my sister will be coming here. I object to this. My objections usually don't get me too far, at least not recently. "I object!"

So yesterday when I checked my email, I got invited to a birthday party! It's been a very long time since I've been to a birthday party, most likely because once you're 17 you don't really have birthday parties. That's too bad, so I'm going to go to the birthday party, and then when I turn 18 (October, 6, 2oo3) I am going to have a HUGE birthday party. Won't that show society! Ha! Mostly I just want cake. :o)

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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