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NyQuil. Need I say More?

So the war has begun, and I'm not so happy. Okay I don't want to go on and on about it because it's just a little stressful, and I'm not sure how to cope with it. Last night I got a message on my tag-board that was my first notice of bombs being dropped. I'm really glad I am a Canadian at this point, although without them stepping in to help, there may be a backlash. I never have been through anything that could put everyone in the world at risk. Hopefully the USA does this the right way. Hopefully it doesn't get out of control. I'm scared, confused, and I have to go to school. Oh well. Fighting for war is like fucking for virginity. It's pointless. I saw protests and the message that caught my attention was "hey! hey! USA, How many kids will you kill today?" That hit hard.


Anyhow...I have work and school as normal. I assume if the war gets biggger those things will nto be of much concern.

I'm way too stressed to be doing anything worth while.

I don't know.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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