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woke up on the couch. i am sore. my sholder is out of alignment.

My little sister is here visiting. My mom is gone until tomorow. She went to visit some of her friends, hopefully she will stop the insanity.

Last night work was really slow, and then the manager was going to send half of the room home, but he didn't which is good. If i was the manager I would have some new rules for telemarketing. Like, manditory voice lessons...people with scratchy voices shouldn't talk on the phone. Old people with no hands really just shouldn't have a phone, it's too complicated. How do you sign a check with no hands, and how did you answer the phone?

::P.A.W.:: (patrickalexanderwallace)

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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