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I have a pounding headache. Damn green paint.

I just lazed about all day, I have a little homework to finish up and then I'm headed to bed. I very un-eventful weekend. No arrests anyway.

There was this man who my mom knew, and hew friend knew really well and that I have met. He died. I'm not really sure how to take it. I didn't know him, but noone I know really well has ever died. It didn't directly affect me although I do wonder, if it's rude not to become depressed. My great unclue died, and my great grandparents, but I wasn't all that close with them. I'm not sure what to do, or say. I have a ore head. I go to bed.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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