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I didn't go to school, I slept in, and then C, and L, came over. We then went to the mall with J. L, and C convinced me to take the bus back with them, but J was off doing some errands and we left J there. J2 got a job at telelmarketing with me. She should be over soom. M is here too. The phone keeps ringing and I keep thikning how can i escape.

Ecscape young one is for the weak, the furtile, you should not escape but face the problem face on. Face on isn't really that good. I get scarted face on.

I am here but now I'm not I went out side to smoke some pot! I left this note to prove a point, Lifes a bitch with out a joint.- quoted a bench in the park

I added midnightblue to my fringe. It's awesome, my purple haze, and midnightblue hair. :~)

People talk alot. Everyone does, maybe because of my job I tend to be quieter but, I socialize. I hate people who go on and on like they run the world, when really all they are doing is running down the rest of the world. I think everyone should get into gear, get in the flow, get groovy, aight?

I ran the 5000 banners and i want a new one, a good one. Also, people taking the survey, I have 4 piercings, and my hair is blue and purple. itsabout me survey

My diary ring is dlandchatter. It kind of does hurt my feeling L.

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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