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My Star review...

Layout (25/30): The layout is very clear and there is a good older page too.

Content (24/25): He doesn't drone on about the same topic which is very good! He also gives a lot of details. However, it seems that he is just talking about his day and he doesn't make many comments or observations about it.

Navigation (15/15): Excellent.

Updates (8/10): There's not a new entry every other day, but close.

Extras (10/10): There are a lot of extras here! A quote, website link, description of himself (hair colour, likes, and dislikes), rings & links, imood, counter, and survey for his readers!

Errors (2/5): There were a few typos and incorrect accents, although I do like accents being included where appropriate! The counter only worked on the new page. I wasn't sure if the Insanity Online pic was supposed to be a link or not. If it is, it didn't work. I didn't include it in the score but I just thought I'd let you know.

Contact (5/5): Email, notes, book, survey. Great!

Total: 89/100

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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