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So anyway, I get off work, and there is Elaine, my girlfriend, with ceara, and thomas. I'm all like, "What!" eeek! She then proceded to drag me to the mall, where I know I shouldn't be as us city kids, are just disturbing the peace...anyway,
I get a call from Julie, on my celly, and she's all like, "where are you?!?" I'm like, "uh, @ da mall" so then she's all "get home now" Whatever. She's not my parent. My mom freaked on my face too. She told me to come strait home, and I didn't. Well EXCUSE ME!

I'm almost 17, she can't very well tell me too many rules, I mean, I have a 5 day a week job, I could move out, and leave her high, and dry. Right. I really wish I could get on with my life already, like who want's to go to school, for years upon years. My aunts a doctor, and apparently she never uses math above grade 9. I'm stuck in a new curriculum, with university work, my mom has never seen, and I'm supposed to be able to fly through it like the teachers. Fuck.

I got the review from bop-reviews, that was good. I hope I get a new fan, as it seemed highly liked. I'm happy anyway...

Save the whales! Or the panda bears, they're cuter. hmmm, what a choice...I'll take my cat for $300.00 please. (Jepordy music playing in the background)

Walking down the road minding my own buisness, and I realized, I really love peaches. So juicy, and sweet, and Mmmm. So I come up with..."I'll eat your peach" I guess I was pictureing someone holding a home grown peach, but wow, if you said that to the wrong person. Ouch!

I have to go do the damn dishes, and I made dinner, and worked, and went to school, and cleaned, and walked all over the city. I'm exausted, so after I do the dishes, send my cat, and mom to bed, I'll be back to see if any more reviews are done, so if your a reviewer...be warned I'm waiting...


Caio! Y'all,

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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