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Good morning,

Last night I was not only in non-computer land, but at my school dance. I know it sounds kinda lame, but I love to dance. I had 3 long tube 3 colour glow sticks, that I was waving all around, as I danced the night away. At the end, all the raver glo-stick people, were put in the middle of a giant circle, in which I was selected to dance in. I was like. Yeah!

The DJ saw what was going on, and quickly threw in some techno, so the ravers could actually dance...so I was on stage, and loved it! We got a round of applause too!

Anyways, NOt doing anything today, maybe I'll do something with some friends, or something. My computer should be in sometime next week, hopefully not later than the weekend. Then...i'll be back in cyberspace 24/7. I promise.

Yesterday, I phoned an old friend of mine, Andrew. We met in Grade 2, but he moved in Grade 4. We visited, 2ce since then, and he didn't know I moved or anything. It was nice to catch up on our friendship.

Anyways, thanks Cory, for updating for me, and hope all is well, in skycron land. By the way, the graphics, are amazing, and yes i'll be buying my own domain soon. I hope...

Got a new printer, yesterday too. No other news...

Caio, pat

Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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