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This whole thing has gone too far. It�s just to easy, having only to �act� when they see me. Now I live far away, and their roles have been cut back. I wonder how that affects their situation. So anyway, people should just back off, stop watching me...

Chatting with Lindsey, about sex, drugs, rock and roll, speed weed birth control. :-) She, and Catheryn are likely going to visit me on Sunday/Monday, until Thurday. Beckie called me last night and she was plastered, and crying, I hope she�s alright. I�m sure she is.

Multi-cultural students that come to Canada, to go to high school, bring in about 1 million dollars to each school that has that program set up. The current location is mainly Winnipeg. Ugh!


Quote:"Life is hard enough with everybody highlighting your mistakes,
I don't kick you when you fall down!"

Patrick Wallace on Facebook
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